Corporate transformations, mergers and demergers

Połączenia, przekształcenia i podziały spółek są częstym elementem procesów reorganizacji przedsiębiorstw. Niezbędne jest wsparcie prawne firmy w przygotowaniu i wdrożeniu danego scenariusza reorganizacji. Oferujemy kompleksowe doradztwo prawne i podatkowe w procesach połączenia, przekształcenia i podziału spółek.

What do we offer?

  • Developing viable reorganisation scenarios to achieve the desired goals.
  • Advice on the selection of the optimal reorganisation scenario.
  • Identifying all legal/tax implications of merger, transformation or demerger.
  • Timing the reorganisation process.
  • Preparing documents necessary for putting the specific reorganisation scenario into action (in particular a merger, demerger or transformation plan, resolutions of corporate bodies, notifications and applications).
  • Support in dealing with authorities, courts, financing institutions, contractors and employees in connection with the reorganisation process (including registration of data changes with registry courts, land and mortgage registry courts and other relevant offices).
  • Coordinating and supervising all actions taken in connection with the reorganisation.
  • Ongoing legal and tax advice, including after the reorganisation process has been completed.

Why CK Legal?

  • We provide a comprehensive range of services to support transformation, merger and demerger processes, including the issue of shares and debt instruments.
  • We are present at every step of the corporate reorganisation process.

Our services are tailored to a broad range of business clients: from sole traders (whom we help transform their business into a much safer company form) through partnerships to corporations. The way we act depends on what the business goals of our clients are.

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