Succession planning and family foundations

Pracujemy z klientami na każdym etapie rozwoju ich biznesu, od powstania, aż po przekazanie następcom. Dbamy o to, aby nasi klienci mieli wystarczającą kontrolę, by realizować długoterminowe cele zawodowe i indywidualne. Taka współpraca przynosi duże wyzwania, ale przede wszystkim wyróżnienie i satysfakcję. W doradztwie dla klientów wykorzystujemy nasze doświadczenie i wiedzę zdobytą w ramach wszystkich specjalizacji kancelarii.

What do we offer?

  • We prepare documents for the purposes of matrimonial property agreements and division of joint property.
  • We help organise and structure the operation of family businesses.
  • We protect our clients and their businesses from infringement of personal rights and defamation, especially on social media.
  • We assist in drafting confidentiality clauses.
  • We help plan and handle the succession process and we advise on the taxation of personal income of investors, entrepreneurs and managers.
  • We provide consulting services on foreign income taxation and exit taxation.
  • We advise on tax-efficient investments in real estate and other assets.
  • We support clients with handling immigration formalities, including in connection with the procedure for applying for a visa, residence permit or work permit.

Why CK Legal?

  • We help organise clients’ assets in such a way that they remain protected both now and in the future, while retaining sufficient flexibility to respond to unexpected events.
  • We secure family assets.
  • We help build businesses, particularly family businesses.
  • We protect the image of our clients.

We offer comprehensive legal and tax advice to both entrepreneurs and investors and their families, as well as support for their businesses in Poland and abroad.



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