Rights and obligations of managers

Jeśli zależy Ci na wzroście zaangażowania i wysokim stopniu integracji pracownika z organizacją, długoterminowe programy motywacyjne są świetnym narzędziem. Potrafimy je tworzyć.

What do we offer?

  • Management contracts and engagement agreements.
  • Analysing the compensation structure of management board members and key managers.
  • Assessing proposed arrangements for tax consequences.
  • Structuring management options and implementing the proposed programmes.
  • Protection of business secrets, competition rules and assignment of an author’s economic rights.

Why CK Legal?

  • We help design incentive programmes and implement the most favourable solutions to ensure the manager’s optimal compensation at the least tax cost.
  • We help keep a lid on payroll costs.
  • We protect business secrets.
  • We provide effective non-competition mechanisms.
  • We protect the intellectual property rights produced by associates.

We represent management board members, directors and managers.

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