Sustainability and ESG

Przeprowadzimy twoją firmę przez cały proces wdrażania regulacji ESG i realizowania celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Dzięki naszemu wsparciu wykorzystasz potencjał, jaki raportowanie ESG stwarza dla twojego biznesu i unikniesz zagrożeń, które wiążą się z wdrażaniem skomplikowanych i wymagających przepisów.

What do we offer?

  • Regulatory Analysis: We will check if and which ESG-related regulations apply to your company and help determine when and for which period the first report needs to be prepared.
  • Sustainability Reporting Preparation: We will assist in preparing your company for sustainable development reporting.
  • Double Materiality and Gap Analysis: We will conduct a double materiality analysis and an ESG gap analysis.
  • Corrective Action Plan: We will prepare a corrective action plan highlighting areas that require improvement or supplementation.
  • Advisory in key areas:
    • Environment (resource usage, ecosystem impact, waste management);
    • Social (employee matters, employment policies, work regulations);
    • Governance (organizational structure, corporate culture and ethics, supplier relations).
  • Data Collection System: We will recommend a data collection system tailored to the company’s needs, considering compatibility with existing data systems.
  • Policies and Procedures: We will develop policies, procedures, and regulations to implement ESG standards effectively.
  • Whistleblowing Mechanism: We will advise on implementing a whistleblowing mechanism to protect whistleblowers.
  • ESG Due Diligence: We will conduct ESG due diligence to identify legal risks associated with ESG regulations.
  • Training: We will provide training for the management board, managerial staff, and designated employees to help them understand key ESG concepts.
  • Strategy and Reporting: We will lead the process of preparing a sustainable development strategy and report.
  • Sustainable Financing Advice: We will advise on sustainable development financing and green bonds.


  • Expert Team: Our ESG team comprises specialists in various fields, including:
    • rnvironmental protection, capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, corporate law, labor law, data protection, and auditing;
    • business analysts, financial analysts, and business process architects.
  • Actionable Recommendations: We recommend specific actions aimed at adopting or improving ESG standards in your company.
  • Stakeholder-Oriented Approach: We prioritize aligning with the broader business ecosystem and the expectations of stakeholders such as investors, banks, business partners, and customers.
  • Opportunity-Risk Analysis: We analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing sustainable development reporting regulations.

Who is this for?

  • We support companies subject to mandatory sustainable development reporting.
  • We assist companies interested in sustainable investments or obtaining financing.
  • We advise investment funds on implementing ESG regulations in portfolio companies.
  • We support entities aiming to adapt to increasing ESG standards, especially those collaborating with large contractors or operating in international markets.

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